

are we ?

Our grantees and partners generosity truth, prevention nutrition involvement Ford Foundation. Enabler agenda results global leaders change economic independence; positive social change free expression our ambitions. Dedicated, humanitarian relief health fight against malnutrition momentum economic development.


are we ?

Organic Farm 7 is a farm that started from the backyard of another farm and has since become one of the most innovative and award-winning organic farms in Zambia. Our founder, Abel Hangoma, operated on resources that were within reach to build an independent operation, driven by a passion for sustainability and a commitment to preserving the environment for future generations. In just two short years, Organic Farm 7 has earned recognition as a leader in the field, impacting the lives of people and helping to uplift marginalized communities. Join us on our journey towards a better, healthier, and more sustainable future.
With organic farm7 you taste the real taste.


Organic Farm7 ensures delivery to any place in the country in order that you may access our products and services easily.


Highly knowledgeable consultancy services, that are made solve your problems with efficiency.


Our approach to problem solving is characterized by creativity and is focused on long term solutions since we address the problems from the root cause point of view.


The time farmers will start innovating and adding value to their produce then they will start making more money and hence start influencing many other with different professionals and skills. By so doing we will transform the whole industry and make as expected


Ellen Siyangwenya

Assistant to the CFO

Precious Chitwa

Customer Care & Service Team Leader
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